Potting Soils & Stones

132 products
  1. Plant Soil 12lt
  2. Plant Soil 4lt S7105866
  3. Plant Soil 4lt S7171404
  4. Plant Soil 4lt S7105864
  5. Plant Soil 4lt S7105869
  6. Plant Soil 4lt S7105873
  7. Plant Soil 5lt 7590864
  8. Plant Soil 5lt 02101052301
  9. Mould for Bonsai - 5 litres
  10. Plant Soil 20lt
  11. Planting compost pianterra 12lt
  12. Planting soil for Cactus - 5 litres
  14. Plant Soil General Use 2.5lt 148667
  15. Plant Soil 6lt S7167044
  16. Plant Soil 4lt S7171403
  17. General Use Planting Mound- 12 litres
  18. Plant Soil 4lt S7105867
  19. Plant Soil 20lt 000035
  20. Plant Soil 20lt 27.10.004Α26
  21. Plant Soil 20lt 239
  22. Plant Soil Homeex 20lt
  23. Plant Soil 20lt
  24. Plant Soil 20lt 0134122152
  25. Plant Soil 4lt S7105865
  26. Plant Soil 5lt 7590868
  27. Plant Soil 5lt 7590835
  28. Enriched acidic (ph:3,5-4,5) peat soil VIRZIAMS 20 litres. Ideal soil for planting acidophilic plants, such as caloona, rhododendron, azalea, gardenia, fuli, bougainvillea, hydrangea. Supplied with fertilizer and other nutrients.
  29. Plant Soil 20lt
  30. Pokon Orchid Planter 5 lt
  31. Plant Soil 20lt 140
  32. Plant Soil 36lt 00000089
  33. Plant Soil Οξύφιλα Φυτά 10lt 126
  34. Advance mix 1 20lt
  35. Plant Soil 12lt MIG01
  36. Plant Soil Plant Care 12lt 48703
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