
245 products
  1. ΠΟΛΥΦΟΡΗ 12-λιτρων 12lt
  2. Mimosa Pudica Plant
  3. Green Leaf Cactus Albispina Height 10cm
  4. Airplants Bamboo Lucky Height 70cm
  5. OEM Limetia or Musk Lime (Citrus x aurantiifolia) - 4 lt - 2-4
  6. Thyme Thymus Vulgaris 2lt 2lt
  7. Carex Kiwi Hayward Female
  8. Blackberry Black Raspberry
  9. Lavender 2lt
  10. Nectarini Red Gold tree
  11. Mimosa 5lt
  12. Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii Friedrichii
  13. Lily of the Nile 4lt
  14. Lemon 10lt
  15. Citrus 3lt
  16. Plastona Lemon
  17. Lily of the Nile 4lt Height 80cm
  18. OEM Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) - 3 lt - 20/40
  19. Fargesia 'red Dragon' 17cm
  20. Cactus Opuntia Consolea
  21. Green Leaf Purpusorum Purpusorum
  22. Bonsai Tilia Cordata Lime Tree
  23. Orange Merlin bag
  24. Agapanthus 'twister' 23cm
  25. Agapanthus 'Charlotte'® 12cm
  26. Agapanthus 'twister' 17cm
  27. Acer 'little Princess' 13cm
  28. Lucky Bamboo Plant
  29. Graptopetalum 'vega' 5.5cm
  30. Hylocereus Cactus Dragon Fruit 30cm
  31. Golden Raspberry "Fallgold" / Berry / Raspberry
  32. Passiflora 'Anastasia' 17cm
  33. Cordyline 'salsa' 19cm
  34. Hibiscus Extreme 'oak Red' 23cm
  35. Lily of the Nile 4lt
  36. Green Leaf Cactus
  37. Cactus
  38. Green Leaf Cactus
  39. Hibiscus 'variegata' 19cm
  40. Hibiscus 'french Cabaret' Pastel 19cm
  41. Stromanthe ‘triostar’ 19cm
  42. Green Leaf Lagestremia
  43. Green Leaf Lagestremia
  44. Green Leaf Araucaria
  45. 30-liter LEMONIA MULTILUX
  46. Lepismium Cruciforme 'rojo' 12cm
  47. Graptopetalum 'purpusorum' 8.5cm
  48. OEM Bottle - 5 lt - 125/150
  49. Green Leaf Cactus
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