Books for new parents

Books for new parents

Books for children's development and skills are a valuable tool for new parents who embark on this important adventure, seeking reliable sources to guide them.

These books provide extensive information on children's development at every stage of their early years. They analyze normal developments, suggest games and activities that promote social, linguistic, and physical skills. Most importantly, they are based on scientific research and the expertise of specialists, offering parents reliable information.

A new parent starting this journey without prior knowledge will find a supportive advisor in these books. They will discover best practices, address concerns and questions, and equip themselves with the knowledge needed to promote their child's healthy development., which is a guide for games for children aged 0-3, has based its content on reliable sources. It combines knowledge from collaborating specialized professionals with that of specialized books to provide parents with a trustworthy source of information.

The Baby Book

The Baby Book
from 24,80 €

From Dr. Wiliiam Sears and Martha Sears, who combine deep medical knowledge with their extensive and years of experience as parents of 8 children! It is a comprehensive guide for anything that concerns you about your child up to 2 years old.

The baby's first skills. Proper development through creative play

Οι πρώτες δεξιότητες του μωρού, Proper development with creative play

This book presents the development of the child month by month until the first year of life, focusing on the games and activities that you can do to encourage your baby to develop all of their skills. It is simple, understandable, comprehensive, and with helpful illustrations.

From Birth to the Fifth Year


It analyzes the developmental journey of a child from 0 to 5 years old. At each stage, it refers to development in terms of:

  1. body posture and gross motor skills
  2. visual perception and fine motor skills
  3. auditory behavior
  4. reasoning, language, and communication
  5. social behavior and play

The game in early childhood

Το Παιχνίδι στην Πρώιμη Παιδική Ηλικία, Από τη Γέννηση ως τον Έκτο Χρόνο

The game in early childhood, from birth to the age of six, deals with:

  • the development, value, and characteristics of play
  • the game from an entertaining, therapeutic, and educational perspective
  • the role of parents and professionals in supporting play

The First Three Years of Your Child

Τα Τρία Πρώτα Χρόνια του Παιδιού σας, All the Answers to the Questions That Stress New Parents

As the title suggests, it has all the answers to the questions that worry new parents, so you don't have to search on Google for quick and easy tips! The sections include everything from basic baby care to breastfeeding, vaccinations, sleep, fever, etc.