The old woman's hair!

The old woman's hair!

The old woman's hair was invented by a dentist! #AGGRESSIVEMARKETING

We will briefly skip all the scary inventions and tools that dentists use to drill our teeth, and we will move on to a more pleasant creation - THE GRANNY'S HAIR.

THE ULTIMATE IRONY: a sweet that is LITERALLY made entirely of sugar, created by a dentist!

So, in 1887, American dentist William Morrison, along with his collaborator, a confectioner, invented a machine that converts melted sugar into threads around a stick with circular movements!

And then, this huge pink thing made of sugar that is created looks like the hair of older women who use purple dye (and end up with pink/purple hair) to get rid of the yellowish color from their hair (HOW COOL), hence the name!

At this point, I must say that I understand more easily how an airplane flies than how the granny's hair is created by putting sugar in this machine!