Discover, create, win!

Discover, create, win!

By creating your own video, you not only help millions of users discover new products, nor is it just a unique opportunity to reintroduce yourself to the Skroutz community, but you also win

For all approved videos uploaded to our page, you are rewarded every month with sales percentages on transactions made through them

Discover, create, win!

What kind of videos can you make?

Start by finding the topics or categories that you enjoy the most!

Is it fashion or maybe cooking? Do you love everything about gaming or do you enjoy gardening? Did you buy headphones and want to share your impressions?

Get some inspiration from videos that already exist on Skroutz Feed!

Do you feel like you want more tips & advice? Check out our guide, to become a Skroutz Creator in no time Skroutz Creator > 

Terms & Conditions

  • The Skroutz for Creators rewards you from 01/03/2024 with percentages on sales made through them, depending on the product category.

  • The rewards program applies to new sales made through them from 01/03/2024.

  • The reward is made through Skroutz Wallet, which allows you to redeem the amount for purchases through Skroutz. The coupon is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.

  • The reward credit for each calendar month will be made at the end of the 2nd week of the following month.

  • The maximum value you can redeem in a purchase is €150, while the minimum value that can be credited to your Skroutz Wallet is €1.

  • A payment view is defined as the full-screen viewing of the video by logged-in users on all pages of Skroutz where it appears.

  • For each sale made through your videos during each month, you will be rewarded according to the category to which the product belongs, according to the detailed reward table. A sale is defined as a purchase made through the product links accompanying the video, whether it concerns the products displayed in the video itself or any product in the same category.

  • In your profile's "Statistics," you can see the performance results of your videos before 01/03/2024. However, there will be no retroactive reward for before 01/03/2024.

  • The number of views on the "Statistics" page is updated at the end of each day. Similarly, the number of sales is finalized and displayed after 7 calendar days from each sale (excluding any returns by the buyer).

  • The profit from views and sales displayed in the "Statistics" is not attributed to partner stores and brands.

  • The following categories are excluded from the rewards program: Sex shop items, Alcoholic beverages, E-cigarette consumables, Tobacco products, Smoking items (Devices, accessories, and consumables), Air guns, Air pistols, Rifles, Cartridges & Construction materials.

Skroutz S.A. reserves the right to unilaterally modify or terminate the rewards program at any time at its sole discretion, provided that the creator does not comply with the Terms of Use or abuses the program.