What short videos can you upload on Skroutz Feed?

What short videos can you upload on Skroutz Feed?

Find all content ideas and create your own video!

Short videos live on the Skroutz Feed and, of course, on your profile. They are vertical (9:16) just like an Instagram story.

A video can be about a specific product, a category, or even a more general topic. Keep in mind, however, that they should provide useful information: an idea, a different way to use a product, or a product review.

1. Unboxing 

If you have just received your order, you can make a video in which you can share the unboxing experience and give your first impression of the product.

Watch the videos:

2. Product presentation

Present the features of the product or a specific function that you believe will add value to other users. 

Think about yourself, what would you like to know before buying a product?

Watch the videos:

3. Instructions for use 

Provide instructions for using the products and resolving any possible doubts. Explain, in simple language, how a consumer can start using a product, from its setup to its daily use.

Watch the videos:

4. Tips and Hacks for Using

Share with your audience how they can make the most out of the product, based on your own experience.

Watch the videos:

5. Your proposals

Choose what you like and share your proposals with your followers

Watch the videos:

6. Educational Content

Provide information about product categories or related topics, such as cooking or DIY!

Watch the videos:

7. Give a little inspiration! 

Share clever ideas and tips that aim to inspire your followers. It can be about decoration, fashion, or anything else you like.

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