Who Killed the Dog at Midnight

Who Killed the Dog at Midnight

World Autism Awareness Day: April 2nd

World Autism Awareness Day (also known as World Autism Day) is an internationally recognized day established to be celebrated every year on April 2nd. Its purpose is to encourage United Nations member states to take measures to raise awareness about autism spectrum disorders worldwide.

On this day, the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" came to my mind, a novel by Mark Haddon, which explores themes such as autism, adolescence, broken families, and mathematics, offering a bittersweet mystery story through the eyes of young Christopher.

What we know about autism is often superficial, and it is difficult to fully understand the thinking and functioning of individuals on the autism spectrum. By discovering this book, one sees how the author approaches and develops Christopher's thoughts and emotions, offering an excellent opportunity to better understand the condition of autism.

As World Autism Awareness Day approaches, I considered it important to share this book and recommend it to those interested in gaining insight into the thinking of an individual on the autism spectrum, beyond just reading a mystery story.

"Who Killed the Dog at Midnight" by Mark Haddon from Psichogios Publications

Ποιος σκότωσε το σκύλο τα μεσάνυχτα

Christopher Boone is a peculiar young man and his mind works in a unique way. He knows a lot about mathematics and very little about people. He enjoys making maps and diagrams, loves detective novels, and the color red.
He dislikes yellow and brown, cannot stand being touched, and cannot tell lies.
One evening, he finds his neighbor's dog dead and decides to solve the mystery. However, his search will lead him to challenging paths that lead to his long-lost mother. He is now called upon to unravel other mysteries, those of the adult world, much more complex than the simple "Who killed the dog"....

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