Practical empowerment tips for Supermoms

Practical empowerment tips for Supermoms

All moms are Supermoms... Just like you... Even if you don't realize it or believe it for yourself..

As a twin mom, I know how wonderful it is to have kids... But there are moments when you feel tired, to the point of exhaustion.

I will share with you some tried and tested practical tips for physical and mental empowerment. They lift me up every time I feel tired and down, with the hope that they will help you too...

Practical Empowerment Tips

  • The best time of day to dedicate to yourself is early in the morning, while the little ones are still in their beds.

  • To wake up early, you must also go to bed early... Put your children to sleep, prepare lunch boxes, bags, and the clothes for the next day, and quickly lie down to relax.

  • Exercise can tire you out, but it gives you energy and endurance for endless playtime with your children. Evaluate your stamina and time and choose a mild exercise program, without getting carried away by social media or your friends.

  • To have energy, you need to start your day with a nutritious, healthy, and empowering breakfast.

  • To prevent your energy from leaving you, try to consume fresh, homemade "real" food at noon, even if you take it with you in a lunch box.

  • Talk to other moms. You will find that you have the same anxieties, worries, and fatigue.

  • Organize and declutter your home from objects that don't allow you to walk and breathe freely.

Practical empowerment tips for Supermoms

Extra tips for Supermoms

Some extra tips that you might find more "down-to-earth"... But they work great in my case and instantly lift my mood...

  • I always have fresh flowers in a vase on my kitchen counter. It's the first beautiful thing I see every morning.
  • No matter what chores I do during the day, no matter how many dishes I wash, I like to have my nails and hands well-groomed.
  • One day a week, I take a break from my tasks and responsibilities and go for a simple walk.
  • Just the thought of the sea calms me down. Even more so when I gaze at it, smell it, or sail in it.

Under no circumstances should you forget that you set a good example for your children. It's certain that they will do, not what you tell them, but what they see you doing!

And if all of the above don't work, bring to mind the wonderful little eyes that look at you with adoration, the warm hugs, and the beautiful smiles...

Competitive greetings from a twin mom to all the amazing Supermoms in the world!

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