Two small books that can be read in one day

Two small books that can be read in one day

Nice and big novels but sometimes we want something with fewer pages that goes quickly, without bothering us while being nice at the same time!

So here are some few-page books that I consider to be excellent company: 

[1] "The Night Flower" by Kopano Matlwa from Ikaros Publications

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When Masetsamba achieves her childhood dream and becomes a doctor, her ambition is confronted with the harsh reality of the public healthcare system in South Africa.

She tries to alleviate the pain of others - working in a hospital with minimal resources and constantly testing her resilience - but at the same time, she must also calm her personal demons: the intense pain of menstruation and the shame associated with it, the grief over her brother's suicide, and the pressures of a deeply religious and reactionary mother who does everything to distance her from her only friend, Niasa.

The politically engaged and militant Niasa, originally from Zimbabwe, will open Masetsamba's eyes to the prevailing xenophobic tension that bears signs of apartheid.

"Nightflower" skillfully captures the violent and confusing atmosphere of present-day South Africa and explores issues of race and gender, observing the medical profession through the eyes of the heroine. How much humanity can our modern world contain?

When Masetzamba achieves her dream of becoming a doctor, she is forced to come out of her bubble and realize that the world is much harsher than she believed. Working in a public hospital with minimal resources, in a place where xenophobia prevails and you are afraid to speak up, certainly isn't the most ideal living conditions. Especially if you add the grief for her brother, her intensely religious mother, and the shame she feels for the excruciating pain of menstruation. But she meets Niasa, and she feels an instant connection with her. She is a dynamic woman from Zimbabwe, highly politicized, who makes Masetzamba see the consequences of xenophobia more realistically and makes her want to do something to change it. But this will be one of the decisions that will turn her already upside-down world even more upside-down.

The Nightflower is a small book in size, but it has many meanings. It is written in the form of a diary, where the protagonist writes to God, sometimes with despair, sometimes with intense anger, sometimes with disgust, and sometimes with love. "From now on, I pray with a heart full of gratitude, to take my life away. Amen." The writing is raw and lyrical, a cry against the injustice and inhumanity of the world and life itself. The plot, while starting off dynamically, escalates in the third and fourth parts, showing how far the human species can go when consumed by hatred and racism.

A little gem.

"We Are Elsewhere: The Refugee Girls of Malala Yousafzai" by Patakis Publishing

Είμαστε Αλλού - Κορίτσια της Προσφυγιάς, True Stories of Young Refugees

The well-known Malala, writes a gripping novel in which she speaks to us about her own story as a displaced person, but also about the stories of 10 other displaced girls who were forced to leave their homes. If they had stayed in their homeland, it is likely that they would not be alive now and these stories would not have been told. The world often faces refugees with the familiar phrase "Go back to your homeland." However, no one takes the time to think about how bad things must be there for people to leave their homes, their loved ones, and their entire lives. No one understands that if they don't leave, they will end up dead. This particular book is truly worth reading by everyone. It makes you think, sensitizes you, and shocks the reader. It makes you appreciate the clean air you breathe, your right to education, the walls in your home, and most importantly, the fact that you are alive. It speaks about women like me and you, who, however, did not have the luxury of growing up in normal human conditions, like me and you. And because whatever I say is not enough, I present to you some excerpts that are hard to forget. "The ban on school for girls meant a ban on my dreams, a roadblock in my future. If I couldn't get an education, what future could I have?" "No one can take away what we carry inside us." "My children cried from hunger. I fed them leaves from the jungle. There was nothing else."

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