Tongue Scraper: The Essential Health Gadget

Tongue Scraper: The Essential Health Gadget

The tongue scraper is the ultimate health gadget in our battle against toxins in the oral cavity.

It is made of plastic or stainless steel, economical, safe, and easy to use.

If you look closely at your tongue in the morning, you will notice a thin white or yellow layer on the back of it. This is toxins and bacteria that accumulate on it while you sleep, and it is better not to swallow them.

The best way to get rid of them is to use a tongue scraper for about ten seconds every morning.

How to use a tongue scraper

As soon as you wake up in the morning, if possible before you even eat, clean your tongue with a super essential health gadget.

  • Place the scraper on your tongue, as far back as you can. The feeling of gagging that you may have in the first few days will diminish and you will get used to the process.
  • Then, gently drag it from back to front three to four times. With your movements, try to cover the entire surface of the tongue.
  • Finally, rinse your mouth with plain water. Rinse the scraper well with water and mild soap, so it is ready for the next day.
  • Brush your teeth as usual, like you do every morning.

At this point, I would suggest continuing the detoxification of the oral cavity by doing oil pulling or mouth rinsing with coconut oil, which is one of my favorite morning habits.

A tongue scraper or tongue cleaner is one of my favorite health gadgets, an ideal tool in my battle against toxins.

It is an economical, safe, simple, and easy-to-use tool that has become part of my morning routine.

If you want to have a tongue free from toxins, with a healthy pink color, fresh breath, and better taste, use a tongue scraper every morning.

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