Ideas for a Proper Post-Workout Snack

Ideas for a Proper Post-Workout Snack

How important is what I eat after a workout?

During exercise, muscles are strained and muscle glycogen is partially depleted. Therefore, after a workout, our body needs nutrients that will help replenish the lost glycogen and proteins to restore muscle tissue.

The main goals of a recovery meal are:

1. rapid energy replenishment expended during the effort,

2. recovery of muscle damage caused by exercise and, consequently, maintaining an increased rate of protein synthesis,

3. complete replenishment of fluid losses from the sweating process.

Specifically, let's see the role of carbohydrates and protein in our post-workout meal.

Protein: We need a good source of protein such as chicken, eggs, dairy or cheese, as some muscle proteins have been broken down and our body needs amino acids to re-synthesize them and help the muscle tissue recover. Remember that our body utilizes amino acids from proteins better when consumed gradually throughout the day. So start the "supplementation" strategy of your diet from the very first meal of the day!

Carbohydrates: During exercise, our body uses stored glycogen as fuel. Therefore, after exercise, it needs to be replenished through carbohydrates. Our post-workout meal, in addition to protein, should include a source of carbohydrates such as oats, bread, rice cakes, or fruits.

How long after exercise should we eat? As soon as possible after exercise, we should consume our meal. There is a recommendation to eat within 60 minutes after exercise to maximize glycogen replenishment. Protein intake both in the immediate (1-5 hours) and in the prolonged recovery period after exercise (5-72 hours) is very important for muscle recovery.

Recommended snacks that can be both filling and nutritious, meeting the body's post-workout requirements for carbohydrates and protein, are mainly the following:

  • A glass of chocolate milk (arla chocolate milk with protein)
  • 1 protein pudding (vitaline)
  • Banana with peanut butter
  • Cottage cheese and apple
  • Whole grain rice cakes with tahini and honey
  • Protein cereal bar (from Karydias)
  • Boiled egg, cream cheese, and carob biscuits
  • Tortilla with chicken, cottage cheese, and vegetables

Our suggestions:

  • My Gusto Ρυζογκοφρέτα Jumbo 200gr

    My Gusto Ρυζογκοφρέτα Jumbo 200gr

    from 1,57 €
  • Agrino Ρυζογκοφρέτες Επτάσπορες 110gr

    Agrino Ρυζογκοφρέτες Επτάσπορες 110gr

    from 1,57 €
  • Παπαδοπούλου Cream Crackers Σίκαλης 175gr

    Παπαδοπούλου Cream Crackers Σίκαλης 175gr

    from 1,33 €
  • Apo KARyDIAS Vegan 33% Protein Bar 80gr

    Apo KARyDIAS Vegan 33% Protein Bar 80gr

    1,40 €
  • Apo KARyDIAS Bars with 43% Protein & Flavor Peanut 20x60gr

    Apo KARyDIAS Bars with 43% Protein & Flavor Peanut 20x60gr

    from 24,00 €
  • Από ΚΑΡυΔΙΑΣ Cocosun Cereal Bar with Coconut, Carob & Sunflower Seed (1x80gr) 80gr

    Από ΚΑΡυΔΙΑΣ Cocosun Cereal Bar with Coconut, Carob & Sunflower Seed (1x80gr) 80gr

    from 1,20 €
  • Apo KARyDIAS Bar with 43% Protein & Flavor Cashews 60gr

    Apo KARyDIAS Bar with 43% Protein & Flavor Cashews 60gr

    from 1,68 €
  • Apo KARyDIAS Vegan Power Bar Protein with Flavor Peanut Butter 80gr

    Apo KARyDIAS Vegan Power Bar Protein with Flavor Peanut Butter 80gr

    from 1,23 €
  • Από ΚΑΡυΔΙΑΣ Bar Energy with Peanut, Rice & Cocoa No Added Sugar (24x70gr) 1680gr

    Από ΚΑΡυΔΙΑΣ Bar Energy with Peanut, Rice & Cocoa No Added Sugar (24x70gr) 1680gr

    31,92 €

Do I need to use a dietary supplement?

If your needs are met through a variety of foods, and therefore nutrients, taking dietary supplements is not necessary.

However, dietary supplements excel in characteristics such as absorption speed and concentration of certain nutrients, which makes them preferable in certain cases.

In any case, consult a qualified dietitian-nutritionist to assess your needs and develop a personalized diet plan that fully meets your needs, preferences, and goals.

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