Yogurt: The perfect snack!

Yogurt: The perfect snack!

Do you consume yogurt?

5 reasons to include it in your diet:

1. Rich in nutrients

2. Source of protein

3. Contributes to digestive health

4. Protects against osteoporosis

5. Ideal for post-workout

Yogurt contains almost all the nutrients our body needs. It is characterized by its high calcium content (1 cup provides about 35-45% of our daily calcium needs), as well as vitamin D which helps maintain healthy teeth and bones and prevents osteoporosis. It is also rich in B-complex vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

Greek strained yogurt is very popular for its even higher protein content, reaching 22g per 200g of yogurt. As we have mentioned before, consuming foods that are high in protein, such as yogurt, helps regulate appetite and increases the feeling of satiety.

Some types of yogurt contain live bacteria or probiotics, which benefit digestive health. Unfortunately, some yogurts have undergone pasteurization (a thermal process that kills these beneficial bacteria), so it is good to look for a yogurt that states on the label that it contains live, active cultures.

Finally, Greek yogurt is an ideal post-workout snack as the amino acids it contains form proteins, and proteins are the building blocks for muscle tissue regeneration and repair of fiber damage.

You can consume it for breakfast, combine it with your lunch, or have it as a snack at any time of the day.

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