Tips to avoid gaining weight during the Christmas period

Tips to avoid gaining weight during the Christmas period

If you are on a diet and trying to lose weight, you may be concerned about how to manage your diet during the holidays so as not to see the scale go up. It is a fact that holiday celebrations, whether for Christmas Eve or the day of the holiday, are closely associated with a lot of food and drink.

How can you enjoy the holidays without straying too far from your routine?

Let's look at some Christmas tips from the diatrefo team that will help you manage these days as best as possible:

1) Moderate your hunger

Before sitting down at the holiday table, have a small low-fat and low-calorie snack, such as a piece of fruit, to reduce your hunger. This way, you will enjoy the holiday food feeling less hungry and more restrained.

2) Don't skip meals

It is important during the day not to skip meals, just moderate them in calories. You may think that if you don't eat anything else on the days you have a feast, it will help you avoid gaining weight. In reality, it will have the opposite effect, as you will be very hungry and end up consuming much more food than you actually want.

3) Say no to nibbling

Fill your plate with everything you plan to try. This will help you control the amount you eat without depriving yourself. Be careful of any treats that may be available at the beginning, such as nuts, appetizers, chocolates, etc. They will load you with a lot of calories before you even sit down to eat. Avoid having many plates on the table and picking with your hand. Instead, put what you want to eat on your plate and stick to that.

4) Follow the plate rule

Certainly, the plate rule will help you better control the amount of food you consume. In simple terms, this means filling half of your plate with salad or grilled vegetables that will help with satiety, a quarter of your plate with some meat option, such as turkey, roast, etc., and the remaining quarter with some carbohydrate option like pasta, potatoes, pie, etc. This way, you will have tried a bit of everything without going overboard.

5) Leave room for dessert

During these days, there are certainly plenty of sweets on the festive tables. Try to eat until you are satisfied and not until you are uncomfortable, so that you can also enjoy the dessert. If there are many different desserts, choose the one you like the most and have a piece of it.

6) Watch your alcohol intake

Certainly, alcohol will be present at the holiday table. Try to be restrained in your alcohol consumption as it is rich in "empty" calories. The choices with the fewest calories are white wine and beer.

If you want to consume drinks such as vodka, gin, etc., accompany them with soda, tonic or fresh lemon and not with sugary soft drinks. The holidays are days of joy and relaxation with our family and friends. It is logical, therefore, for this "relaxation" to also be dietary. Even if you indulge more than you would like, there is no need to feel remorse and guilt. Focus on maintaining balance as much as possible and don't stress! The few days of the holidays will not destroy the balanced diet you have been following all this time, nor will they irreversibly affect your weight

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